Hidè Takemoto

Hidè Takemoto graduated from the prestigious Guildhall School of Music as a Bachelor of Music, gaining Postgraduate Diplomas in Music Performance and Composition in 2006 before started performing in the UK, Europe and Japan. Inspired by his guru, the great virtuoso and composer Keigo Fujii, Hidè’s guitar technique can be traced back via José Luis Gonzaléz, Andrés Segovia, Miguel Llobet to the great Francisco Tárrega. Hidè’s wide influences come from classical, rock, Indian, Spanish, Celtic and Japanese music, allowing him to collaborate with many musicians including Kuma Harada, Rie Fu, Hibiki Ichikawa and many more. Following his debut recording “Four Springs”, Hidè performs at many gigs, festivals and is acquiring international recognition. www.hideguitar.com… Read more